Whether you're just visiting, or planning on making Canada your new home, GMS is here to help provide for your emergency medical needs while in the country.
GMS Annual Immigrants & Visitors to Canada Plan is perfect for Super Visa applicants, frequent visitors to Canada and visitors planning extended stays. It provides 365 days of uninterrupted coverage for emergency medical expenses in Canada. You can also return to your country of origin as many times as you like, without the need to re-apply for coverage when you come back to Canada.
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Covers hospital room and board charges, up to semi-private, unless specified by a physician (if medically necessary, charges for intensive and coronary care units are included).
Covers the cost of treatment by physician or surgeon.
Covers the cost of x-rays and other diagnostic tests.
If coverage expires while hospitalized, coverage will continue for all covered persons up until 72 hours after discharge from the hospital.
Covers the cost of prescription drugs and medication prescribed by a physician (to a maximum of a 30 day prescription).
Coordination of all medical care, transportation, and repatriation; telephone interpretation services in most languages; monitoring of progress during treatment and recovery by managed care.
Benefits apply while visiting the United States and Mexico, provided neither of the two countries are your country of origin. Your trip must begin and end in Canada, with 50% of the trip time being spent in Canada.
No medical questions if you are under 55 years of age.
No wait periods if you apply before you arrive in Canada. If you apply for or extend coverage while in Canada, there is a 48 hour wait period.
Your coverage is subject to various exclusions, which are completely set out in the Exclusions section of the policy document. The following, although not an exhaustive list, are some of these exclusions:
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